United Kingdom
Government flags

HM Coastguard Ensign [1:2]
UK Border Agency Ensign [1:2] (obverse of flag)
The UKBA is the UK’s custom and immigration service. The Ensign is worn by Her Majesty’s Cutters operated by the UKBA.
Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Commissioner or Officer administering a government [1:2]
Diplomatic Officer, including an Ambassador [1:2]
This is the flag that flies on British Embassies and High Commissions.
Consular Officer [1:2]
Consular Officer Afloat [1:2]
Despite its appearance this is a personal flag and not an ensign and is flown at the bow of the vessel.
Lord Lieutenant of a County [1:2]
High Sheriffs (England and Wales)
UKBA Board Members’ Pennant (obverse of flag)
This pennant replaces that of the HMRC Commissioners.
Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [1:2]
Department of Trade and Industry [1:2]
Department for Transport [1:2]
Scottish Executive Department for Rural Affairs [1:2]
Environment Agency [3:5]
Forestry Commission [3:5]

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Flag Drawings © Graham Bartram, portions © The Flag Institute & Mario Fabretto