United Kingdom
Army flags

Army Flag (non-ceremonial) [1:2 or 3:5]
Army flags are theoretically 3:5 but this flag is usually made 1:2 to match the flags of the other two service branches. There is also a version of the flag which puts the text "ARMY" in gold beneath the Army's logo.
Chief of the General Staff [3:5]
British Army Union Flag, Field Marshal, Commander-in-Chief Forces in the Field [3:5]
The Army uses Union Flags with a height to width ratio of 3:5. Ensigns are always 1:2.
Army Ensign (worn by vessels commanded by commissioned officer) [1:2]
The ensign with the Army Badge is not currently in use, following the decommissioning of HMAVs Arakan and Ardennes.
Army Ensign (worn by all other Army vessels) [1:2]
The blades of the crossed swords are sometimes shown in yellow.
Military Attaché [3:5]
Military Members of the Army Board [3:5]
General Officer, Commander-in-Chief or Commanding a Command [3:5]
Senior Staff Officer on the Staff of the Commander-in-Chief [3:5]
Commander of a Corps [3:5]
Divisional Commander [3:5]
District Commander [3:5]
Brigade Commander [3:5]
Area and Sub District Commander [3:5]
Line of Communication Area [3:5]
Line of Communication Subarea [3:5]
Master Gunner St James’ Park
Deputy Constable of Dover Castle
Master General of the Ordnance [3:5]
Household Division Camp Flag [3:5]
Royal Armoured Corps Camp Flag [3:5]
Royal Regiment of Artillery Camp Flag [3:5]
Corps of Royal Engineers Camp Flag [3:5]
The Royal Logistic Corps Camp Flag [3:5]
Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Camp Flag [3:5] (obverse of flag)
Army Air Corps Camp Flag [3:5]
Adjutant General’s Corps Camp Flag [3:5]
Royal Corps of Signals Camp Flag [3:5]
Intelligence Corps Camp Flag [3:5]
Royal Army Chaplains’ Department Camp Flag [3:5]
1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards Camp Flag [3:5]
The Royal Irish Regiment Camp Flag [3:5]
The Royal Welch Fusiliers Camp Flag [3:5]
The Parachute Regiment Camp Flag [3:5]
The Royal Gurkha Rifles Camp Flag [3:5]
Royal Logistics Corp Pennant
Military Police Service (AGC) [1:2]
Royal Engineers [1:2]
Telegraph Office [2:3]
Infantry Corps Camp Flag [3:5]
Royal Army Medical Corps Camp Flag [3:5]
Army Physical Training Corps Camp Flag [3:5]

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Flag Drawings © Graham Bartram, portions © The Flag Institute & Mario Fabretto