United Kingdom
Airforce flags

Royal Air Force Ensign [1:2]
Civil Air Ensign [1:2]
The Civil Air Ensign is the correct national flag to fly at civil air facilities, such as airports.
Marshal of the Royal Air Force (5 Star) [2:3]
Air Chief Marshal (4 Star) [2:3]
Air Marshal (3 Star) [2:3]
Air Vice Marshal (2 Star) [2:3]
Air Commodore (1 Star) [2:3]
Group Captain [2:3]
Wing Commander [2:3]
Squadron Leader (in this case of No. 12 Squadron) [2:3]
Chief of the Air Staff, Air Attachés & Advisers, Heads of RAF Missions [1:2]
RAF Members of the Air Force Board [1:2]
Air Officers Commanding-in-Chief (Commands in the UK) [1:2]
Air Officers Commanding, Commandant-General of the RAF Regiment [1:2]
Station Commanders [1:2]
RAF Cranwell
RAF Marine Vessel Ensign [1:2]
United Kingdom Air Forces (NATO) [2:3]
Training Aircraft Roundel
Non-combat Aircraft Roundel
Non-combat Aircraft Fin Flash
Combat Aircraft Roundel
Combat Aircraft Fin Flash
Low-visibility Aircraft Roundel
Low-visibility Aircraft Fin Flash

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Flag Drawings © Graham Bartram, portions © The Flag Institute & Mario Fabretto